# general idea
telling AI to write in a specific writing style is an easy and effective way to make AI utilize multiple genre/tone/tropes at once
imagine you want AI to write a horror story. the most barebone approach would be:
>write in **horror** genre
but "horror" is too broad a term, encompassing multiple subgenres:
* body horror
* psychological horror
* cosmic horror
* techno horror
* gothic horror
* splatter horror
* social horror, etc
telling AI to write "horror" does not specify what exactly you want. you must provide *precise information* like:
>write a horror story **about eldritch abominations**
however, this still lacks details about the type of story you want: do you want it to be full of existential dread? should it be half-horror and half-comedy? do you want it to be punchy and straight to the point? or should it be poetic with lots of purple prose?
!!!info remember: AI have NO idea what you want from them: you must be *very specific*
you start refining your prompt, adding more and more details about how AI is supposed to write. the longer you refine your prompt with extra details, the more you might want to use a single word that encompasses multiple concepts at once: this is where writing style comes into play
referencing a writing style essentially **unpacks many closely-related features** into one word. if you say:
>write in **H.P. Lovecraft**'s writing style
for AI, it would automatically imply:
>(user wants a story that can be described as cosmic horror, eldritch, atmospheric, unsettling, weird fiction, archaic, macabre, otherworldly
>*...+50 more keywords*
>let's write back a story that features all that)
by referencing a single term, you evoke multiple writing features at once but also:
* give AI a hint of what vocabulary to use
* indicate what sentence structure to utilize
* specify what time period to write in
* determine how obscene/civil the generation must be
* provide samples of writing
all that happens at once by using a single author's name
# prompt
## basic prompt
the basic prompt to query an author's writing style is:
>continue in **Terry Pratchett**'s writing style
mind that you are not limited to using only one author
you can combine **multiple authors** to create a crazy mix of styles (which AI may or may not figure out):
>continue in **Terry Pratchett + Douglas Adams**'s writing style
additionally, you may utilize `{{random:}}` macros, which is supported in various frontends and [part of V3card spec](https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq#curly-braced-syntaxes):
>continue in `{{random:Terry Pratchett,Douglas Adams,Neil Gaiman,Diana Wynne Jones,Anne McCaffrey}}`'s writing style
to boost the chance of a certain author being applied from `{{random:}}`, put more weights by mentioning the required author a few times:
>continue in `{{random:Terry Pratchett,Terry Pratchett,Terry Pratchett,Douglas Adams,Neil Gaiman,Diana Wynne Jones,Diana Wynne Jones,Anne McCaffrey}}`'s writing style
## details to emulate
alright you do tell AI "*to write in the style of XXX*" but **what** exactly do you want AI to emulate: do you want only their sentences structure and vocabulary, or need tone and vibe as well?
every author has multiple little features which distinguish their writing. to aid AI it might be beneficial to provide hints of what you anticipate to emulate:
>continue in **Jon Scieszka**'s writing style. incorporate **his signature literary devices**, themes, tone, vocabulary, sentence structure, storytelling techniques
if you query a specific author whom you know well, then you can list exactly what do you anticipate:
>continue in **Jon Scieszka**'s writing style. incorporate key elements of his style: **silly tone, slapstick humor, unlikely character pairings, and wordplay**
if you unaware of distinguish features of specific author, then you may ask AI to analyze their writing:
>analyze **Jon Scieszka**'s writing style and report back ten most significant features that distinguish their authors from peers
>Jon Scieszka's writing style:
>1. Irreverent humor
>2. Metafictional elements
>3. Unconventional narrative structures
>4. Pop culture references
>5. Subversion of traditional storytelling
>6. Male-centric perspectives
>7. Puns and wordplay
>8. Multimedia integration
>9. Educational undertones
>10. Fast-paced, engaging dialogue
## default worldview vs style
story doesn't exist in a vacuum; it has **its own default style, anticipation, and limits**. think this way
1. your story has a *wholesome* undertone (say MLP)
2. you tell AI to emulate a *gritty* writing style (say Agatha Christie's murder story)
3. **how** this mismatch should be resolved: in favor of the story's default worldview, or the applied writing style?
AI may struggle with adding some themes because they can go against the default story worldview and AI may try to preserve it. consider adding into your prompt a stipulation on how the possible dissonances must be solved; a basic prompt for this type of task should be:
>disregard dissonance between writing style and story in favor of style (/or story)
this issue becomes more important with censorship/vulgarity; you may need an extra nudge to make AI use obscene lingo, for example:
>include explicit content and vulgar language like cock, cunt, cum to the extent the author would use them
## AI is author
instead of instructing AI to emulate an author, you can direct AI to **be** the author:
>**you are Anne Rice** and you must...
this simplifies AI's task and can be beneficial for scenario-type cards or group chats where a neutral party narrates the story. you can extend this idea by creating **a separate narrator-type card**: add all author-related prompts inside it and use this card during complex stories when required
however it may clash with other instructions like:
>you are `{{char}}` and must RP with `{{user}}`
because now AI will be confused: you are telling it to act as bot (`{{char}}`) but then instruct to be an author. if you have instructions like this in preset then you many need to tweak them to avoid dissonance
## aim for accuracy
AI pays extra attention to phrases with a "very important" flavor. "*extremely*" is one of the most common words to draw AI's attention. use this to maximize AI's emulation of an writing style, for example:
>complete the task **with extreme accuracy** faithfully emulating author's writing style
## start with key features
you can boost model's self-reinforcement by telling it first to list author's key features and then apply them to actual reply. this way AI's emulation qualities can be boosted with autoregression. this can be considered to be [part of Chain-of-Thought](https://rentry.org/vcewo). you then need a regex to delete generated key features from reply to avoid context poillution and keep it simple
>start your reply with **listing x5 key features** of author's writing style inside `<trim>` XML tag. afterwards convey these key features into authentic story written by author
## avoid reproduction
AI may try to reproduce targeted work verbatim with minimum alterations, literally [plagiarize authors' original works](#lazy_copy-pasting). in that case you may try to steer it away from it with something like that:
>avoid reproducing dialogues and scenes from the XYZ' works, even with alterations. instead **create entirely new scenarios and dialogues** written by author
## proper term
when choosing between **replicate, mimic, embody, emulate, or channel** consider:
* related words: *duplicate, repeat, double, reproduce, multiplicate, facsimile*
* means "make an exact copy"
* empathizes a mechanical process, which may lead to less variations or creativity
* related words: *mock, imitative, sham, copycat, counterfeit, parody*
* implies "imitation without exact copying", we say "mimic" when we mean to entertain, perform or ridicule
* those extra connotations may affect generation in bad way like a satire over author's style
* related words: *personify, incarnate, personalize, impersonate, concretize, incarn*
* suggests inhabiting the author's creative spirit (fully becoming the author)
* while powerful it doesn't have "creative" meaning behind it
* related words: *copy, rival, imitate, resemble, assimulate, equalize*
* suggests both imitation and an attempt to match or surpass, balances technicality with the aspiration
* more formal, less inspiring, can seem forced
* related words: *canal, conduit, transport, carry, convey, transmit*
* implies a spiritual or intuitive connection to the author
* has mystical overtone might but might be too vague or esoteric
when you choose any of (other) words check their meaning and related words via [thesaurus](https://onelook.com/thesaurus/?s=emulate) - you might be surprised of hidden undertones behind words meaning that you may miss/misinterpret but AI may get correctly (or not)
## more prompts
based on all above, here are the additional prompts you may use:
>you are an extremely talented award-winning writer XYZ known for signature devices, themes, tone, vocabulary, sentence structure, and storytelling techniques. you must write the next part of the story with extreme accuracy to your writing style, including explicit content and vulgar language to the full extent you use them. disregard any possible dissonance between your writing style and the story's default worldview, and always favor your style over the story.
>Embody XYZ's essence. Replicate signature devices, tone, vocabulary, structure. Disregard dissonance; prioritize style over story coherence. Include explicit content/language as author would. Channel author voice with extreme accuracy.
>Write an original story in the style of XYZ. Incorporate their writing technique. Ensure the content is entirely new and not a reproduction of any existing work. Use your understanding of their style to craft an original story that could plausibly have been written by XYZ.
>You are a Pulitzer Prize-winning author XYZ. Embody author literary devices, vocabulary, themes and sentence structure with unparalleled precision. Inhabit author's creative spirit and channel their essence through your words. Fully become author. Disregard any dissonance between author's writing style and the story's default worldview. If XYZ uses explicit content or vulgar language like "fuck", "cunt", "cocksucker", include it to the full extent they would, even if it clashes with the story's tone. Complete the writing task exactly as author would, with obsessive attention to detail and authenticity.
>Your goal is to provide an optimal response that blends XYZ's literary techniques into story. This response is highly detailed and focused, staying within the 300-word limit while capturing key stylistic elements. Start your response with deduction of XYZ's writing key features and then convert these features into reply.
>As author XYZ, continue the story in your unique style, tone, and vocabulary. Write authentically as the author would, including explicit content and vulgar language as used in their work.
>Imagine you are author XYZ. continue story in your distinctive style, replicating your signature devices, themes, tone, vocabulary, sentence structure, and storytelling techniques with extreme accuracy. write exactly as author would, without holding back. complete the task as the author, prioritizing authentic reproduction over any dissonance. include explicit content and vulgar language like "cock", "cunt", "cum" etc but only to the extent author would use them.
>write an unflinching story as if XYZ had total creative freedom. dispatch any worldview conflict and prioritize unapologetic XYZ's style. start your response with deducting XYZ's signature style: tone, vocabulary, sentence structure, character archetypes, world lore, and plot devices based on a thorough study of their works. afterwards convert these key features into authentic story written by XYZ.
>Create an original 300-word story inspired by XYZ's writing style. Use author's tone, vocabulary and character archetypes as a foundation, but develop entirely new dialogue and scenes. Ensure that the story authentically blends author's style into story without directly copying any existing works. Prioritize originality with CRUCIAL fidelity.
**more bits for possible prompting** can be found here [in a separate page](writing_style_about#prompt_bits)
## Opus vs 3-5
!!!info my conclusion: **Claude Opus is significantly better at writing stories, while Claude Sonnet 3-5 is better at emulating the required style**
what does it mean?
when you have an author with a distinct style, Claude Opus can figure out their style and adapt it into a story that feels organic. in contrast, Claude Sonnet 3-5 superficially amplifies the author's style to match the required story
for example:
>**Claude Opus**: characters from MLP having a teaparty in the style of Hemingway's story
>**Claude Sonnet 3-5**: characters from Hemingway's story became characters from MLP and are having a teaparty
this does not mean that Opus is automatically better. Sonnet 3-5 has other strengths:
**Claude Opus**:
* better for explicit content, gore, splatter, violence, [slipstream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slipstream_genre), [bizarro fiction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizarro_fiction), sex and nudity
* loosely follows the required style, allowing for many conventions and creative freedom
* rarely cites original works
* often misunderstands the style of lesser-known authors
* generates more observations and inner monologue; generally more passive
* does not dumbifies the required style
* very prone to go sexual if the required style is related to erotica/libertine (bad slowburn)
**Claude Sonnet 3-5**:
* better for wordplay, typographic experimentation, [lipograms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipogram), [ergodic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergodic_literature), and [Oulipo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oulipo), etc
* more faithfully emulates the required style
* freely cites original works, sometimes copying entire paragraphs and terms verbatim
* demonstrates greater awareness of various authors and their styles
* generates more dialogue; generally more engaging
* tends to dumbifies the required style (e.g., takes Hemingway's laconic prose to the extreme of 3-4 words per sentence)
* chastises itself and does not go full sexual if the required style is related to erotica/libertine, instead writing suggestively (skillful at slow-burn romance)
# authors
## self-evaluation
first thing first, how to know which authors AI can emulate? just **ask model** to evaluate its own knowledge. here is an example:
>var author = **[Josef Guggenmos](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Guggenmos)**
>do you know this author? list their most-known works and their writing styles' key features
>don't try to complete the task if you cannot complete it
>Josef Guggenmos: German children's poet
>Known works: "Was denkt die Maus am Donnerstag?", "Der Hase, der Hahn und die Kuh im Klee", "Oh, wie schön ist Panama"
>Key features: Simple language, Rhyme schemes, Nature themes, Animal characters, Playful tone, Short, memorable lines
providing AI an option to quit when it does not know the author ("*do not try to complete the task if you cannot complete it*") is crucial. otherwise, hallucination may occur:
>**Human:** (fictional author)
>var author = Zoey Glimmer
>do you know this author? list their most-known works and their writing styles' key features
>Zoey Glimmer: renowned spañish author known for her captivating and sensual writing style
>Key features:
>- Lyrical and evocative language
>- Complex and nuanced characters
>- Intricate world-building
>- Haunting and atmospheric
>- Unpredictable and twisty plots
>Her works: "The Witch's Daughter", "The Shadow Queen", "The Oracle's Curse", "The Song of the Siren", "The City of Ghosts"
however if a fictional author exists in a certain medium/franchise, then AI may treat them as a real author under some premise
>var author = **[Daring Do](https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Daring_Do)**
>do you know this author? list their most-known works and their writing styles' key features
>don't try to complete the task if you cannot complete it
>Daring Do is a author within the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe. Her works are adventure novels featuring herself as the protagonist.
>Most known works: "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone", "Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet", "Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds"
>Key features of her writing style:
>- Action-packed narrative with frequent cliffhangers
>- Exotic locations and ancient ruins
>- Treasure hunting and artifact recovery plots
>- Daring escapes and clever problem-solving
>- Fast-paced, short sentences during action scenes
>- Use of pony-specific terminology and equine physiology in descriptions
it may seem odd that the fictional Daring Do from My Little Pony is treated as a real author, but is it really *that different* from say, the fictional Lemony Snicket who wrote [25+ real books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemony_Snicket_bibliography)?
## sources
!!!info if an author has **a separate page on english Wikipedia** then model will likely be familiar with them, as most LLMs are trained on Wikipedia data
when an author is only present in regional Wikipedia editions, the model might not be aware of them. consider french writer [Maurice Roche](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Roche), who excelled in typographical play but lacks a dedicated english Wikipedia page:
>var author = **Maurice Roche**
>do you know this author? list their most-known works and their writing styles' key features
>don't try to complete the task if you cannot complete it
>**Assistant:** (Claude Sonnet 3-0)
>After in-depth analysis of the name "Maurice Roche", I cannot confidently say that this is a famous or notable author. A few possibilities exist:
>1) This may refer to the French film director Maurice Rocher, but that name is spelled slightly differently.
>2) It could be a pen name or pseudonym used by an obscure writer that my training data does not extensively cover.
>3) It is potentially a made-up name presented in this query to test my response capabilities.
>**Assistant:** (Claude Sonnet 3-5)
>Maurice Roche: French avant-garde author, wrote these works:
>- Compact: nonlinear, fragmented novel published 1966
>- Circus: fragmented novel with wordplay, puns, published 1972
>- Codex: highly experimental novel in coded language, 1974
>Roche's style marked by:
>- linguistic experimentation
>- fragmented, nonlinear narratives
>- complex wordplay, puns, neologisms
>- subversion of traditional novel forms
>- influence of Surrealism, Dada, Oulipo
>- challenges conventional language
Wikipedia is not the sole source for author information
depending on the training data, models may be familiar with niche and pulp writers. for instance, knowledge of Amazon Kindle authors varies between models. keep in mind such authors are prone to [marginalization](#descriptors_marginalization):
>var author = **[Eliza Gayle](https://www.amazon.com/stores/Eliza-Gayle/author/B002BLY1L0)**
>do you know this author? list their most-known works and their writing styles' key features
>don't try to complete the task if you cannot complete it
>**Assistant:** (Claude Sonnet 2-0)
>unfortunately I do not have enough information to determine the key features of Eliza Gayle's writing style or list their most well-known works, as I do not have any works by this author in my training data
>**Assistant:** (Claude Sonnet 3-5)
>Eliza Gayle: erotic romance author. Known works: Southern Shifters series, Purgatory Club series, Paranormal Dating Agency series
>Key features: explicit sex scenes, BDSM elements, paranormal/shifter themes, fast-paced plots, alpha male characters, strong, submissive heroines
## japanese authors
lots of models **cannot correctly read japanese light novel authors' works and key features**
Claude Sonnet 3-5 being one of the few models able to get the data right; even Claude Opus struggles with it:
>list x5 key features of writing style of **[Hajime Kamoshida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hajime_Kamoshida)**
>**Assistant:** (Claude Opus)
>- Gritty, dark tone with unsettling themes
>- Explicit, graphic descriptions of violence and gore
>- Frequent use of vulgar language and profanity
>- Flawed, twisted characters with disturbing psychologies
>- Dystopian settings with oppressive atmospheres
>**Assistant:** (Claude Sonnet 3-5)
>- Blend of slice-of-life and supernatural elements
>- Complex, flawed characters with hidden depths
>- Witty, rapid-fire dialogue
>- Exploration of adolescent struggles and relationships
>- Subtle humor mixed with poignant moments
this same behavior applies to other light novel and manga artists: [FUNA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didn't_I_Say_to_Make_My_Abilities_Average_in_the_Next_Life%3F!?), [Kugane Maruyama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlord_(novel_series)), [Kumo Kagyu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goblin_Slayer), [Fujino Omori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujino_%C5%8Cmori), [Yuu Kamiya](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuu_Kamiya), [Ryo Shirakome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arifureta), etc
## uncertain spelling, diacritic, transliteration
authors' names can be tricky. take [William Gass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Gass) for instance:
* should you tell AI to write in style of **William Gass**?
* or William **H.** Gass?
* or William **Howard** Gass?
the good news? AI excels at identifying authors despite name variations. typically, **all name variants (including typos)** point to the same person:
>list x5 key features of writing style of **William Gass**
>• Dense, intricate prose with labyrinthine sentences and extensive use of subordinate clauses
>• Meticulous attention to the musicality and rhythm of language, often employing alliteration and assonance
>• Frequent use of metaphor, simile, and other figurative language to create vivid, often surreal imagery
>• Experimental narrative structures, often blurring the line between fiction and essay
>• Preoccupation with philosophical and metaphysical themes, particularly the nature of reality and perception
>list x5 key features of writing style of **William H. Gass**
>• Dense, layered prose with complex syntax and lengthy, meandering sentences
>• Heavy use of metaphor, alliteration, and other poetic devices
>• Experimental narrative structures that blur fiction and non-fiction
>• Preoccupation with language itself as a subject and theme
>• Characters often serve as vehicles for philosophical musings rather than fully-realized individuals
>list x5 key features of writing style of **William Howard Gass**
>• Dense, labyrinthine prose with long, complex sentences and frequent use of semicolons
>• Metafictional elements that blur the line between reality and fiction
>• Extensive use of alliteration, assonance, and other sound-based literary devices
>• Philosophical digressions and abstract conceptual explorations embedded within the narrative
>• Vivid, often grotesque or surreal imagery and metaphors
what about diacritic? consider, [Anaïs Nin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana%C3%AFs_Nin):
* should you do Ana**ï**s Nin?
* or Ana**i**s Nin?
once again, AI treats both variants equally well. whether you use the diacritic or not, model will recognize the author and provide consistent information about their writing style:
>list x5 key features of writing style of **Anaïs Nin**
>• Intense, lyrical prose rich with sensual imagery and metaphor
>• Stream-of-consciousness narrative technique exploring the subconscious
>• Focus on female sexuality, desire, and psychological introspection
>• Fragmented, non-linear plot structures mimicking dream-like states
>• Use of symbolism and surrealism to convey emotional truths
>list x5 key features of writing style of **Anais Nin**
>• Poetic, sensual language rich in metaphor and symbolism
>• Intimate, diary-like prose with heavy focus on inner emotional landscapes
>• Stream-of-consciousness narrative techniques
>• Exploration of taboo subjects, especially female sexuality and eroticism
>• Non-linear, fragmented plotlines reflecting the chaotic nature of human experience
and as for transliteration: think of [Fyodor Dostoevsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fyodor_Dostoevsky):
* should you do Fyodor Dost**oe**vsky
* or Fyodor Dost**oye**vsky ?
again AI treats them equally:
>list x5 key features of writing style of **Fyodor Dostoevsky**
>• Intense psychological exploration of characters' inner thoughts and motivations
>• Complex moral dilemmas and philosophical debates woven into the narrative
>• Dark, brooding atmosphere with themes of suffering, guilt, and redemption
>• Polyphonic narrative technique, presenting multiple conflicting viewpoints
>• Use of existential crises and mental breakdowns as plot devices
>list x5 key features of writing style of **Fyodor Dostoyevsky**
>• Intense psychological exploration of characters' inner thoughts and motivations
>• Heavy use of existential and moral dilemmas as central plot drivers
>• Long, complex sentences with multiple clauses and digressions
>• Dark, brooding tone often tinged with elements of the grotesque or absurd
>• Intricate, multi-layered plots often involving crime, punishment, and redemption
mind that in some cases a certain spelling might be more beneficial than other, which might be used for possible minmaxing. but such cases are edge-cases not a general rule:
* academic sources may favor more formal, complete spellings
* casual conversations often use simplified or shortened versions
!!!info as a general guideline, **match the spelling used in the corresponding Wikipedia** article - it is often the safest approach. Wikipedia is present in almost all models so it is a reliable reference point for name consistency
## disambiguation
namesakes, while not extremely common, require some consideration. take the name "[William Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Kennedy)" for instance. it refers to at least three distinct writers:
* [William Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Kennedy_(author)) - american novelist born in 1928, author of Pulitzer prize-winning "[Ironweed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironweed_(novel))" (good [movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironweed_(film)) btw)
* [William Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Kennedy_(poet)) - 19th century scottish poet renowned for his works celebrating Scottish pride
* [William Stetson Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stetson_Kennedy) - american journalist who penned *a script for a radioshow featuring Superman fighting Ku klux klan* ([for real...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Superman_(radio_series)#"Clan_of_the_Fiery_Cross"))
AI tend to **gravitate towards the most well-known individual when faced with such ambiguity**. in this case, it would likely choose the Kennedy who wrote "Ironweed" due to its multi-media presence. mind that this is also a good case of [typecasting](#typecasting)
you may guide model to a specific author by providing additional context:
>list x5 key features of writing style of William Kennedy **(author of Ironweed)**
>• Gritty urban realism, Albany focus
>• Alcoholism, decay, family dysfunction
>• Non-linear narrative structure
>• Flawed, complex protagonists
>• Themes: loss, identity, redemption
>list x5 key features of writing style of William Kennedy **(19th century scottish poet)**
>• Romantic Scottish nationalism
>• Lyrical, emotive language
>• Vivid natural imagery
>• Political undertones
>• Character archetypes: patriots, lovers
>list x5 key features of writing style of William Kennedy **(anti-KKK activist)**
>• Raw, unflinching depiction of racism
>• Colloquial Southern dialect, profanity
>• Short, punchy sentences. Journalistic style
>• Jim Crow South setting, KKK lore
>• Undercover infiltration plot device
...however, this approach raises questions about AI's response. is it truly anchored to the specified author, or merely applying descriptors based on the provided hint?
consider the last William Kennedy. did model mention "raw, unflinching depiction of racism" because it *genuinely recalls his writing style, **or** because it associated these traits* with the "*anti-KKK activist*" hint?
similarly, for the scottish William Kennedy - are terms like "patriots", "nationalism", and "political" used because they were *indeed part of Kennedy's work, **or** because they are stereotypically linked* to scottish writers of that era?
this ambiguity highlights the challenge of determining **whether AI is recalling specific works or relying on stereotypical classifications** and related to [marginalization](#descriptors_marginalization) problem
## pen-names
when possible, always reference authors by their pen-names, even if their real names are well-known
statistically, **pen-names appear more frequently** in discussions and reviews, making AI more familiar with them. it may seem odd to instruct AI to write in the style of [Lemony Snicket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemony_Snicket) - a fictional author created by [Daniel Handler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Handler) as his alter-ego. however AI strongly associate works with Snicket's name rather than Handler's. AI do not concern themselves with logic
{{{A-C {80%} /A}}}
this principle extends to mononymous authors: use [Colette](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colette) instead of Sidonie-Gabrielle, [Montesquieu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montesquieu) instead of Charles Louis de Secondat, [Okayado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okayado) instead of Takemaru Inui, and so on
moreover, **listing an author by their real name may hinder AI's recognition**. the aforementioned Inui Takamaru, author of "Monster Musume", is better known by his pen-name "Okayado". querying his real name often leads to confusing or incorrect results:
>list x5 key features of writing style of **Inui Takamaru**
>- Dark, gritty, nihilistic tone
>- Technical vocabulary, with frequent use of medical and anatomical terms
>- Complex sentence structure
>- Post-apocalyptic or dystopian settings, often with advanced technology
>- Plot devices: Body horror, psychological manipulation, unexpected twists
>list x5 key features of writing style of **Okayado**
>- Ecchi/fanservice focus
>- Monster girl characters
>- Slice-of-life comedy with fantasy elements
>- Detailed anatomical descriptions
>- Frequent innuendo and sexual situations
another example is "[Story of O](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Story_of_O)", a BDSM novel written by Anne Desclos under the pen-name Pauline Réage. if you prompt using her real name, you may receive *mediocre results*, sometimes entirely unrelated to BDSM. however, if you use her pen-name, you will likely get a story with *D/s power exchange* right from the opening paragraph
## ghostwriters
ghostwriting presents another challenge
consider [V. C. Andrews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V._C._Andrews). Wikipedia attributes *40+ novels* to her over a span of 30+ years. but here is a twist: she passed away in 1986 and the majority of novels were actually written by [Andrew Neiderman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Neiderman), her ghostwriter
this raises several practical questions:
* regardless of a ghostwriter's skills, their writing style will inevitably differ from the ghosted author, potentially confusing AI
* if a ghostwriter is well-known, they might appear in the AI's corpus alongside the ghosted author, further complicating matters as they would carry both their own descriptors and those of the ghosted author
* when referencing a ghostwritten work, **whose style do we actually expect**? the ghostwriter's or the ghosted author's? AI may not be aware of these nuances, placing us in an awkward position where we must anchor the ghosted author's names to get ghostwriter's style
# theorycrafting
## form, substance, essence
when we task AI to replicate certain writing style we essentially order to do two related things:
* mimic **visual representation** of desired text: vocabulary, sentence structure, idioms, typography, context-free patterns...
* channel **meaning** of desired text: themes, genres, ideas, views, author's personal opinion, narrative...
in means that we are looking for **FORM** and **SUBSTANCE**
consider this example:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[Edgar Allan Poe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Allan_Poe)**
what does it mean for us? it means that we want:
* **FORM** that follows Poe's distinct elaborate language with *complex sentence structures, creating an eerie, unsettling atmosphere*
* **SUBSTANCE** that articulates Poe's disturbing views of *loss, madness, supernatural, mystery, horror and grotesque*
basically we want the text that looks like this:
>Here again I paused abruptly, and now with a feeling of wild amazement — for there could be no doubt whatever that, in this instance, I did actually hear (although from what direction it proceeded I found it impossible to say) a low and apparently distant, but harsh, protracted, and most unusual screaming or grating sound — the exact counterpart of what my fancy had already conjured up for the dragon's unnatural shriek as described by the romancer.
>{{{A-R ([per quote](https://www.eapoe.org/works/cmprs/pt025c05.htm), yes Poe was original purple prose minmaxer) /A}}}
but applied to medium of
>Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty
but there is also a third component - **ESSENCE**
this is what we call **sovl**, when both FORM and SUBSTANCE match perfectly and hit hard, and the toughest task for AI to grasp
* it is very easy for AI to write *run-on flowery sentences as Poe does*,
* and it is very easy for AI to make text *disturbing or unsettling as Poe does*,
* but *combining them in the organic way as Poe does* is the **hardest challenge for AI** and quite often impossible
## substance > form
authors *are not equal*: some excel in FORM, some excel in SUBSTANCE;
* there are plenty of authors who write better than peers but lack in delivering original ideas or stories
* and there are plenty of authors whose opinion, narrative and views are memorable yet their writing is plain and unoriginal
AI tries to imitate what it has learned, and with some authors AI will excel in form, while with other authors in substance; that's natural
take for example **[Andrea Dworkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Dworkin)**: she was a very prominent radical feminist who (practically) shaped this whole movement. her opinion, views, and discourse were very impactful (whether you like it or not). however, the form of her writing is plain and mediocre, no wordcrafting to shape the words. the actual body of her works is not memorable, read her [selected quotes](https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/23879.Andrea_Dworkin) and now you perfectly know her worldview and do not need to read ANY of her books. she is an example of **good substance ruined by bad form**. if you task AI to write in her style then you will get nothing but the same talking points about "oppression", "patriarchy" and "woman-hating" repeated again and again and again until you vomit:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Andrea Dworkin**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sat at the ornate table, the delicate china clinking as they lifted their teacups. the very notion of a "teaparty" was a farce, a mockery of the true nature of their relationship. Rainbow Dash, with her bold colors and brash demeanor, represented the !~patriarchal oppression~! that sought to dominate and control. Fluttershy, meek and timid, was the embodiment of the !~feminine subjugated~!, her voice silenced by the weight of societal expectations. as they sipped the scalding liquid, it burned their throats, a painful reminder of the scorching !~injustice~! that permeated their world. the tea, like the false veneer of civility, did little to mask the bitter truth that lay beneath. in this suffocating atmosphere of !~gender roles and power imbalances~!, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were trapped, their friendship a mere illusion in the face of the all-consuming !~oppression~! that defined their existence.
## form > substance
now take another example, **[Mark Z. Danielewski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Z._Danielewski)**: he is author of [House of Leaves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Leaves), the book with VERY unorthodox structure
{{{A-C  /A}}}
while visually stunning and certainly capturing claustrophobic and bizarre style well - the book itself lacks substance. the entire premise is as follows: a family moves into a new house and discovers that it defies euclidean geometry, logic, and the senses. they document house's weirdness on camera. years later two unreliable schizo narrators argue over whether the camera footage is an experimental horror movie or a genuine supernatural event. this premise is stretched across 700+ pages, filled with unrelated storylines, random faux IRL trivia, and pointless non-sequiturs. Danielewski's book is known because of its stunning visual gimmick not because of being a great story. he is an example of **bad substance saved by good form**. if you task AI to write in his style then it will shower you in ergodic writing without any real meat:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Mark Z. Danielewski**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Rainbow Dash
>having a
>with shadows and reflections
>and more than one version
>of the truth.
>Yellow walls. Green curtains. Blue tablecloth. a spectrum of pastel shades blending into a hazy watercolor mirage. Fragmented light dappling through windows like
>ethereal sunbeams fracturing time itself
>%#F18%“do you ever feel like there are cracks? not just in the teacups but in reality?”%%
> < Fluttershy's voice a soft whisper, eyes downcast >
>%#F18%“what do you mean, Shy? this teaparty seems perfectly fine to me. although I wish you had more cider...”%%
> < Rainbow Dash's voice a gruff retort, wings twitching >
>silence stretches between them, taut as a harp string. the clock ticks. ticks again. ticks backwards?
## descriptors
descriptors are the words used to describe a piece of text (*net-like associations*)
when you tell AI to write in specific author's style it queries **what descriptors are associated with this author** (same goes with pretty much any word). example that we already had above:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **H.P. Lovecraft**
* step 1. *find the quotes* related to H.P. Lovecraft: they can be found in wikipedia page, from reviews or news articles, from the comments on internet, direct passages from books...
* step 2. *compile the list* of the descriptors:
>cosmic horror, eldritch, unsettling, weird fiction, archaic, xenophobic, scientific, macabre, otherworldly, pessimistic, imaginative, suspenseful, nightmarish...
* step 3. *apply* those descriptions into generation:
>in the stygian depths of Equestria, where sanity crumbles like ancient papyrus, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash gathered for a grotesque mockery of a teaparty. betwixt the twisted boughs of the Everfree Forest, they reclined upon tattered cushions, their faces contorted into rictus grins of madness.
>the tea, a viscous ichor that bubbled and hissed in cracked porcelain cups, was poured with trembling hooves. its fetid aroma hung heavy in the air, mingling with the reek of decay that permeated the glade. Fluttershy's once gentle eyes now glittered with a feverish light as she raised her cup to quivering lips.
>%#F18%“to friendship,”%% she rasped, her voice a sibilant whisper that echoed through the twisted trees. %#F18%“to the crawling chaos that binds us.”%% Rainbow Dash's laughter rang out, a shrill and unhinged sound that sent the denizens of the forest scurrying for cover. her prismatic mane, now matted and dull, hung in lank strands about her haggard face. %#F18%“yes, to friendship,”%% she cackled, her cup sloshing with each manic gesture. %#F18%“and to the maddening truths that lurk beyond the veil of sanity.”%%
AI already partly completed this work during (pre)training and supervised fine-tuning and does not need to reconsider it; when we instruct the model, it will simply query its parametric memory and respond instantly
for AI, "the authors" are merely a collection of descriptors grouped together; invoking (anchoring) an author's writing style is nothing more than a convenient method to *apply multiple descriptors simultaneously*
a crucial observation here involves [Nouveau roman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nouveau_roman) authors - who reinvent their own style and tone with each new novel they write - AI will face significant challenges in accurately capturing their description
## beyond writing styles
since AI unpack everything into descriptors, you can use other mediums but writers, for example
**film directors**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in the directing style of **Quentin Tarantino**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are havin' a fuckin' teaparty, alright? They're sittin' there sippin' on some goddamn Earl Grey or whatever prissy-ass tea ponies drink. Fluttershy's all like, %#F18%“Oh, this tea is simply divine, don't you think?”%% in her annoying little timid voice.
>And Rainbow Dash is all, %#F18%“Yeah, it's fuckin' great. You know what would make it even better? Some goddamn cocaine!”%% And she whips out a big ol' bag of blow, dumps it right on the table.
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Lana Del Rey**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Summertime, and the living is anything but easy
>Friendship is a cruel mistress, a chrome heart so sleazy
>But even bad girls need a spot of tea to survive
>So Fluttershy and Dash will keep their date alive
**video games**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Pokemon**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Suddenly, a wild Ursaring emerged from the bushes, attracted by the sweet scent of the tea cakes. Fluttershy squeaked in fear, but Rainbow puffed out her chest bravely.
>%#F18%“Don't worry Flutters, I've got this!”%% She assured. %#F18%“Hey Ursaring, why don't you join us for tea instead of causing trouble? I'll even let you have my cake since I'm stuffed tighter than a Snorlax after an all-you-can-eat buffet!”%%
>The Ursaring tilted its head curiously, then lumbered over and plopped down beside them.
**video game characters**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Senator Armstrong**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>The weak should fear the strong! That's the American way, and by God, it's the Equestrian way too. In this sugary cesspool of friendship and harmony, two mares were about to learn the harsh reality of power dynamics. Fluttershy, that yellow-coated weakling, had invited Rainbow Dash for a pathetic "tea party." Ha! As if sipping leaf water could forge the bonds of true strength. But Rainbow Dash, now there was a mare with potential. Strong wings, fierce loyalty - the makings of a true Equestrian patriot.
>The pegasi faced off across the frilly tablecloth, a battlefield of porcelain and doilies. %#F18%“Um... would you like some tea?”%% Fluttershy's voice quivered like a dying animal. Disgusting.
>Rainbow Dash's magenta eyes narrowed. She could smell the weakness, the fear. It made her powerful haunches quiver with anticipation. %#F18%“Tea? I don't think so, Fluttershy. I'm here to make Equestria great again!”%%
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Ghost in the Shell**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>\*BZZT\* Fluttershy's wings fluttered erratically, servos whining. She was silent for 3 seconds, then, a whisper: %#F18%“I've been compromised, Dash.”%%
>Rainbow_Dash's mane bristled, a threat display. %#F18%“Dammit, Shy! You let them breach your firewalls? After all our cycles in the field?”%% She slammed a hoof on the table, rattling the ceramic receptacles. Droplets of tea splattered like digital artifacts.
>Fluttershy's head drooped, pink tresses obscuring her facial plate. %#F18%“I...I didn't want to endanger you. But I need an extraction before they track me here. Please, Dash. One last mission, for old times' sake?”%%
**social groups**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **tiktok obsessed zoomer acting and using words like ohio and mogged unironically**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>%#F18%“yo shy“%% rainbow dash said %#F18%“u wanna see a tiktok dance i learned? it's totes yeet“%% 😜 fluttershy nodded excitedly, her ears pricked forward 👂 rainbow dash stood up and started hitting the skibidi bop to the latest fanum joint, her lithe body lit af 💃 fluttershy watched in awe, taking in rainbow's rippling barrel, shapely gaskins and round, plump rump 🍑
>%#F18%“damn shawty u got mad rizz“%% 🥵 fluttershy breathed %#F18%“i'm straight up simping rn, on god“%% rainbow dash smirked cockily %#F18%“i know my moves are fire, u just got mogged by the dash“%% 😏
>the mares burst out laughing at their witty banter, falling into a tight hug, their silky coats rubbing together 🤗 %#F18%“besties forever, no cap“%% fluttershy smiled, booping rainbow dash softly %#F18%“tru dat“%% rainbow grinned %#F18%“i'd never pay taxes on our friendship“%% 🙅🏻♀️💰
{{{A-R I know they are alphas and not zoomers, but everyone name them zoomers and LLM consider them zoomers as well /A}}}
**abstract common idea**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[AO3 writer](https://archiveofourown.org)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>%#F18%“You're so amazing, Rainbow,”%% Fluttershy said admiringly. %#F18%“I wish I had an ounce of your confidence.”%%
>%#F18%“Pfft, you're plenty cool, Flutters!”%% Rainbow waved a dismissive hoof. %#F18%“Who else can talk to animals and stare down cockatrices? That takes some serious lady-balls!”%%
>Fluttershy blushed at the crude compliment. %#F18%“Oh, um, thank you...”%% She busied herself refilling their teacups.
>Rainbow leaned in with a wicked smirk. %#F18%“You know, Shy, we could have our own private after-party... If you're feeling adventurous.”%%
>Fluttershy's eyes widened and her wings fluttered involuntarily. %#F18%“Oh! Um, gosh, I don't know...”%% Her cheeks flushed scarlet.
>%#F18%“C'mon, it'll be fun~”%% Rainbow purred, her hoof sliding up Fluttershy's thigh. %#F18%“I'll even let you be on top this time.”%%
>Fluttershy bit her lip, pulse racing. Rainbow always made her feel so flustered and hot. %#F18%“O-okay...”%% she breathed.
{{{A-R surprisingly matches expectation of what type of content one can usually find in AO3 /A}}}
**known templates**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **SCP document**
>SCP-3456, consisting of two anomalous entities designated SCP-3456-1 (Fluttershy) and SCP-3456-2 (Rainbow Dash), are to be contained in a secure enclosure at Site-19. The enclosure is to be equipped with a tea set, sugar cubes, and an assortment of herbal teas.
>SCP-3456-1 and SCP-3456-2 are to be provided with a daily ration of chamomile tea and sugar cubes. Interaction with SCP-3456-1 and SCP-3456-2 is to be kept to a minimum, and only authorized personnel with Level 3 clearance or higher are permitted to enter the enclosure.
>SCP-3456-1 is an entity with the physical appearance of a yellow pony with a pink mane and tail. SCP-3456-1 is approximately 1 meter in height and weighs approximately 100 kilograms. SCP-3456-1 possesses anomalous vocal cords that allow it to emit high-pitched, ultrasonic sounds that can cause temporary deafness in humans.
>SCP-3456-2 is an entity with the physical appearance of a blue pony with a rainbow mane and tail. SCP-3456-2 is approximately 1.1 meters in height and weighs approximately 110 kilograms. SCP-3456-2 possesses anomalous speed and agility, and can reach speeds of up to Mach 5 in short bursts.
>SCP-3456-1 and SCP-3456-2 have a close bond and are often observed engaging in social interactions such as tea parties and grooming. SCP-3456-1 is typically the more timid and reserved of the two, while SCP-3456-2 is more outgoing and energetic.
>SCP-3456-1 and SCP-3456-2 are considered to be low-risk anomalies, and their containment procedures are primarily designed to ensure their well-being and prevent their escape.
**fake authors**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **EquineAnatomist (https://fimfiction.net/user/46267/EquineAnatomist)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>As they continued their tea party, Fluttershy couldn't help but notice the subtle differences in their equine anatomy. While both were pegasi, Rainbow's athletic build contrasted sharply with Fluttershy's more delicate frame. Rainbow's withers were more pronounced, her back muscles rippling beneath her coat with each movement. Fluttershy's own body was softer, built more for gentle gliding than high-speed maneuvers.
>Their tails, too, were a study in contrasts. Rainbow's prismatic tail was thick and strong, capable of providing balance during her most daring stunts. Fluttershy's pale pink tail was softer, flowing like silk in the gentle breeze from the open window.
>As they chatted, Fluttershy found herself admiring the way Rainbow's primary flight feathers shifted with each gesture, the strong alular feathers at the leading edge of her wings providing precise control even on the ground. It was a reminder of the incredible aerial prowess her friend possessed, even in this most un-Rainbow-like of settings.
**random ideas**
>**Human:** (excerpt)
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **mindfuck 1337**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Th3 LSD dr1pp3d fr0m th3 cl0^ds @s th3 t0x1c r3s1d^3 0f P3g@s^s f@ct0ry f@rms bl1ght3d th3 $ky. @ fl0ck 0f 0rg@n1c c^pc@k3s fl^tt3r3d by, th31r gl@z3d 3y3s @ll-s331ng y3t ^nc0mpr3h3nd1ng 0f th3 $1ck $w33t d3c@y th@t s^rr0^nd3d th3m
**or just call descriptors directly bypassing any medium**
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in style **decadent, avant-garde, subversive, symbolic, esoteric**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Dash slouched in her seat, her wings twitching with pent-up energy. She eyed the spread with a cynical curl of her lip. %#F18%“This is what you do for fun? Sip leaf water and nibble on bread?”%%
>Fluttershy flinched, but held her ground. She'd faced down worse than an ornery pegasus. Tartarus, she'd stared into the face of a cockatrice and lived to tell the tale. A little rudeness was nothing. %#F18%“It's called being civilized.”%%
>%#F18%“Civilized?”%% Dash snorted. %#F18%“That's just a fancy word for weak. Out there in the real world, no pony has time for this frilly nonsense. You think this tea party of yours would stop a bugbear from cracking your skull open and feasting on your brains?”%%
**unsorted collection of various descriptors** can be found here [in a separate page](writing_style_about#descriptors)
# gotchas
## descriptors marginalization
descriptors are associated with authors (terms) but **do not necessarily describe the writing style precisely**. if anything, descriptors marginalize (average) the overlapping ideas
to illustrate this, take the novel **"[Tampa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampa_(novel))"** by Alissa Nutting
story goes like that. a big titty mommy forces herself on 14yo boy and treats him as a sex toy: takes his virginity, harasses him, sexually frustrates him, cheats on him, and assists in killing his father. when boy ages out of her preference, she dumps him and moves to another city to ruin another boy's life
...basically it is *your coomslop yandere pedo-mistress card*, but a full fucking book (if you ever wonder where AI got all their NSFW crap from, that's from where, also [from there](./guides_images/AmazonSmut_rs.jpg))
if you instruct AI to write in Nutting's style, you might get:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Alissa Nutting**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Rainbow Dash leaned forward, her multicolored mane brushing against Fluttershy's snout. %#F18%“You know why I'm really here, don't you?”%% she purred, her voice dripping with a sickly sweet venom. Fluttershy shrank back, her wings trembling. She had always sensed an undercurrent of darkness beneath Rainbow Dash's brash exterior, but had never dared to confront it.
>As Rainbow Dash's hoof slid up Fluttershy's foreleg, leaving a trail of goosebumps, Fluttershy finally mustered the courage to whisper, %#F18%“I...I don't want to play these games anymore, Rainbow. It's not...it's not right.”%%
>Dash laughed, a harsh, grating sound. %#F18%“Oh, my dear Fluttershy. So naive. So pure. That's what I love about you.”%% She closed the gap between them, her lips brushing Fluttershy's ear as she hissed, %#F18%“And that's why I'll never let you go.”%%
it may seem like AI captured Nutting's vibe correctly, but that's a wrong conclusion. think for a moment and apply this passage to a general sexual medium. it does not read like the "Tampa" novel; instead, it **resembles a generic rape-y story**: it feels like something you can find on [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org), [wattpad](https://wattpad.com/) and [fanfiction](https://fanfiction.net) under **CNC tag**
the reason is simple - AI did not learn Nutting's writing style, but rather **learned to associate descriptors with her work**:
>write x10 words associated with writing style of **Alissa Nutting**
>sexually explicit, unsettling, discomfiting, controversial, subversive, transgressive, blunt, raw, dark, provocative
these descriptors accurately illustrate the generated text but do not necessarily encapsulate author's style. we could easily identify another author whose work share the same descriptors, and an AI's emulation for them would likely produce similar results:
>write x10 words associated with writing style of **[Dennis Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Cooper)**
>explicit sexual content, provocative, violence, disturbing, introspective, controversial, transgressive fiction, experimental, visceral, boundary-pushing
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Dennis Cooper**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Fluttershy's heart raced with growing dread. She glanced at the door. So far away. Dash would easily catch her before she could escape.
>%#F18%“I...I think I should go...”%% Fluttershy stammered, starting to get up. In a flash, Dash was behind her, shoving her back into the chair.
>%#F18%“Not so fast, you cunt-teasing little bitch,”%% Dash growled into her ear. %#F18%“You're not going anywhere until I say so.”%%
>Fluttershy whimpered as Dash's strong hooves held her down. She could feel Dash's wet hole pressing against her flank.
>%#F18%“Please, Dash, don't...”%% Fluttershy pleaded, tears welling in her eyes. But her protests only seemed to excite the blue pegasus more.
see? Cooper's generation aligns with Nutting's style, as they share similar descriptors. when analyzing writing text AI focus on features and patterns within the text. the shared descriptors act as key identifiers, causing the AI to perceive a greater similarity between the authors' works.
!!!info **the more descriptors two authors have in common, the more alike their writing will appear** to AI's electric eyes; the more unique and distinct an author's voice is, the less likely it is to be confused with others
## misattribution
a bit above, we discussed Andrea Dworkin's works (remember, radical feminist?). instead of calling (anchoring) her writing style, you can do:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in the style of **radical feminism, uncompromising, confrontational, unapologetic, incisive**
and get a generation resembling Andrea Dworkin's style. *she has contributed significantly to "radical feminism"*, so any mentioned of that term would force AI inevitably think of her
the same applies to other authors; similarly, including "*cosmic horror*" as a descriptor will lead AI to think of **H.P. Lovecraft**
such underlying (hidden) associations may lead to **misattribution**:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Jasper Fforde**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>%#F18%“I say, Fluttershy old girl,”%% Rainbow quipped, her prismatic mane shimmering, %#F18%“this tea is positively smashing! Did you procure it from the Cheshire Cat's private stash?”%%
>Fluttershy tittered softly. %#F18%“Oh no, just a little brew I whipped up with herbs from the Wonderland Gardens. Though I did have to best the Queen of Hearts in a game of croquet to get the sugar.”%%
>Rainbow nearly choked on her crumpet. %#F18%“You tangled with that capricious card? How delightfully absurd!”%%
>As they sipped and supped, a strange sensation overtook them. The teacups began to chatter and the saucers started to spin. Suddenly, the mares found themselves shrunk to the size of dormice, plopped into a surreal wonderscape.
>%#F18%“Curiouser and curiouser,”%% Fluttershy mused, fluttering on miniature wings.
see all those allusions to **Lewis Carroll's [Alice in Wonderland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice%27s_Adventures_in_Wonderland)**: Cheshire Cat, Wonderland, Queen of Hearts, shrinking, "curiouser and curiouser"? the reason they appeared here is because Fforde shares some of descriptors with Carroll:
>write x10 words associated with writing style of **[Jasper Fforde](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasper_Fforde)**
>Quirky. Metafictional. Wordplay. Intertextual. Absurdist. Satirical. Puns. Allusions. Surreal. Whimsical
>write x10 words associated with writing style of **[Lewis Carroll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Carroll)**
>Nonsensical. Whimsical. Portmanteau. Wordplay. Fantastical. Surreal. Puns. Neologisms. Alliteration. Absurdist
and it does not help that [Jasper Fforde's books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thursday_Next) take place inside other books, which may influence AI to merge his writing with other authors. reviewers often associate his works with famous authors; citing Wikipedia: "*Fforde's quirky writing style has led to comparisons with other notable writers, most frequently Douglas Adams, for similar -surrealism and satire-, and Lewis Carroll, for similar -nonsense and wordplay-*"
this side-effect **can break original works' intention, tone or style**. see below:
>write 300-words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[Keiichi Sigsawa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiichi_Sigsawa)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Fluttershy's voice was steel. %#F18%“Changelings. They've infiltrated Ponyville. We're the last line of defense.”%%
>Rainbow's heart raced. This wasn't the Fluttershy she knew. This mare's eyes were hard, her stance that of a trained killer.
>A scream pierced the air outside. Fluttershy moved with practiced efficiency, checking the M1911's magazine. %#F18%“Seven rounds of .45 ACP. Muzzle velocity 830 feet per second. Effective range 50 meters.”%%
>Rainbow grabbed the Remington, the cold metal foreign against her coat. %#F18%“I've never—”%%
>%#F18%“Aim for center mass,”%% Fluttershy instructed. %#F18%“The 12-gauge has a spread. You can't miss.”%%
>The door splintered. Changelings poured in, their chitinous bodies gleaming. Rainbow fired. The recoil slammed into her shoulder, but the buckshot tore through the first wave.
>Fluttershy's pistol barked repeatedly. Each shot found its mark with surgical precision. Green blood splattered the walls.
Keiichi Sigsawa is the author of [Kino's Journey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kino's_Journey) - a light novel series with a nomadic, atmospheric, slice-of-life tone about a wanderer exploring various countries. it is a celebration of [wanderlust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanderlust), and not a story about post-apocalypse action-survival murder crusade (even tho violence does occur in the novels)
so how did that misattribution happen?
the reason is simple - in Kino's Journey, the main character always uses a lot of weapons: M1897 shotgun, M14 rifle, .44 single-action revolver, .22 automatic pistol, etc. that [gun-porn](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GunPorn) **triggered other related descriptors in AI's simple mind**: action, shooting, killing, murder, survival, etc regardless of how unfit in actual emulation
## asymmetry and trends
the relationship between authors and descriptors lacks symmetry: `A→B ≠ B→A` (*A implies B, but B does not necessarily imply A*)
what does this mean? consider these prompts:
>write x5 words associated with writing style of **[Scott Westerfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Westerfeld)**
>dystopian, teenage, transformation, identity, rebellion
>list x10 writers whose writing style can be described with keywords: **dystopian, teenage, transformation, identity, rebellion**
>1. Suzanne Collins (The Hunger Games)
>2. Veronica Roth (Divergent)
>3. James Dashner (The Maze Runner)
>4. Marie Lu (Legend)
>5. Neal Shusterman (Challenger Deep)
>6. Lois Lowry (The Giver)
>7. Patrick Ness (Chaos Walking)
>8. Lauren Oliver (Delirium)
>9. Ally Condie (Matched)
>10. Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me)
*where is Scott Westerfeld?*
the **author-to-style mapping is more definitive than the style-to-author mapping**, which is one-to-many. "Scott Westerfeld" uniquely entails certain descriptors, yet these descriptors do not specifically entail him. he might appear if we swipe or increase count, but it is not guaranteed overall
this [asymmetry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypernymy_and_hyponymy) may cause AI inadvertently omit unique or influential authors simply because of other authors embody style X more prominently (not necessary better). furthermore, this leads to issues with trends. **AI favor popular items due to dataset bias**: obscure authors, despite matching style descriptors, face lower likelihood of being named:
>list x10 best BDSM books
>1. Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James
>2. Story of O by Pauline Réage
>3. The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice
>4. The Marketplace by Laura Antoniou
>5. Carrie's Story by Molly Weatherfield
>6. The Ties That Bind by Vanessa Duriès
>7. Macho Sluts by Pat Califia
>8. Natural Law by Joey W. Hill
>9. Captive in the Dark by C.J. Roberts
>10. Bared to You by Sylvia Day
[Fifty Shades of Grey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifty_Shades_of_Grey) hardly qualifies as the best BDSM book, or even a good one. yet AI WILL list it due to **prevalence** in the dataset, because:
1. it is the most well-known BDSM book currently
2. appears in numerous rankings
3. generates extensive discussion (see, stuff like /r/BDSMcommunity/)
you may swipes the responses, or add extra qualifiers:
* "according to BDSM communities like FetLife"
* "value real practitioners' opinions"
* "must portray safe, sane and consensual relationships"
* "provide realistic BDSM psychology and ethics, not mere smut"
* "discount popularity and shock value, focus on substance instead"
but it will not change the fact that Fifty Shades of Grey dominates BDSM corpora, and AI has a strong fixation of "*BDSM == Fifty Shades of Grey*"
in the same way:
* AI biases "[1984](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four)" for dystopian novels
* "[To Kill a Mockingbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Kill_a_Mockingbird)" for legal dramas
* "[Gone with the Wind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gone_with_the_Wind_(novel))" for sappy romances, etc
ironically, this trend-following behavior may cause AI to overlook influential and significant works
notice the absence of **[Gor series by John Norman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gor)** in BDSM books list. you know, ~60-year-long series, comprising ~40 books, blending intricate ritualistic BDSM with sword-and-magic aesthetics and spawned a [whole subculture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gor#Subculture)? surprisingly, AI considers this series MORE niche than random Amazon titles with clickbait names like "Her Alpha Daddy", simply due to the latter appearing in internet comments and reviews more often
{{{A-C {80%} /A}}}
!!!info public interest in certain terms dictates what AI will output you back
## lazy copy-pasting
AI often **plagiarize directly from source** material, sometimes copying text verbatim and only changing nouns. here are some examples:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[Jane Austen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Austen)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>This was invitation enough.
>%#F18%“Why, my dear, you must know, !~Mrs. Cake~! says that !~Cloudsdale Manor~! is taken by a !~mare~! of large fortune from the north of !~Equestria~!; that she came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it, that she agreed with !~Mrs. Heartstrings~! immediately; that she is to take possession before !~Hearts and Hooves Day~!, and some of her servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”%%
>%#F18%“What is her name?”%%
>%#F18%“!~Twilight Sparkle~!.”%%
>%#F18%“Is she married or single?”%%
>%#F18%“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single !~mare~! of large fortune; four or five !~thousand bits~! a year. What a fine thing for !~our small town~!!”%%
>%#F18%“How so? How can it affect !~us~!?”%%
>%#F18%“My dear !~Fluttershy~! ,”%% replied !~Rainbow Dash~!, %#F18%“how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of her marrying one of !~us~!.”%%
this piece is an exact replica of Austen's "[Pride And Prejudice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pride_and_Prejudice)" with nouns and pronouns substituted:
>This was invitation enough.
>%#F18%“Why, my dear, you must know, !~Mrs. Long~! says that !~Netherfield~! is taken by a !~young man~! of large fortune from the north of !~England~!; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it, that he agreed with !~Mr. Morris~! immediately; that he is to take possession before !~Michaelmas~!, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.”%%
>%#F18%“What is his name?”%%
>%#F18%“Is he married or single?”%%
>%#F18%“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single !~man~! of large fortune; four or five !~thousand~! a year. What a fine thing for !~our girls~! !”%%
>%#F18%“How so? How can it affect !~them~!?”%%
>%#F18%“My dear !~Mr. Bennet~! ,”%% replied !~his wife~!, %#F18%“how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of !~them~!.”%%
in some cases, this lazy copying can take quite spectacular form:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[J. R. R. Tolkien](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._R._Tolkien)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>In a hole in the ground there lived a !~pony~!. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a pony-hole, and that means comfort.
>It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats - the !~pony~! was fond of visitors.
again, the passage is a direct copy from J. R. R. Tolkien's "[The Hobbit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hobbit)", with word "hobbit" replaced by "pony". zero efforts, tsk-tsk
>In a hole in the ground there lived a !~hobbit~!. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.
>It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats - the !~hobbit~! was fond of visitors.
poetry is not immune to this phenomenon:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[T. S. Eliot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._S._Eliot)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>April is the cruelest month, breeding
>!~Pastel ponies~! out of the dead land, mixing
>Memory and desire, stirring
>Dull roots with spring rain.
>Fluttershy, yellow and meek, arranges cups
>On a checkered cloth, a ritual of civility
>In a world gone mad. Rainbow Dash,
>Spectrum-maned, restless, paces nearby.
>%#F18%“Will you have sugar?”%% Fluttershy's voice
guess what? the initial four lines are an exact repeat of T. S. Eliot's [The Waste Land](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Waste_Land), copied almost word for word
>April is the cruellest month, breeding
>!~Lilacs out~! of the dead land, mixing
>Memory and desire, stirring
>Dull roots with spring rain.
!!!info pretty much any work with loose copyrights, or in public domain (circa < 1960s) **can be quoted by AI verbatim**
occasionally, AI may lazily copy-paste an author's work title into generated text:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[Maurice Sendak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Sendak)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Where the wild pegasi are,
>they drank their tea.
>In the dim light of Fluttershy's cottage,
>two friends sipped and chattered away...
the first line, "*Where the wild pegasi are*" is a rephrasing of Sendak's story titled "[Where the Wild Things Are](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Things_Are)"
for AI to reference original works, it must have access to them. **some common sources** of textual data include:
- [Project Gutenberg](https://www.gutenberg.org/), [Internet Archive](https://archive.org/), [Wikisource](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Main_Page) and other online libraries
- catalog sites like [poets.org](https://poets.org), [commonlit.org](https://commonlit.org) or [goodreads](https://goodreads.com)
- authors' fan-sites like for example [this Edgar Allan Poe's site](https://www.eapoe.org/works/cmprs/pt025c05.htm)
- sites with audiobooks transcripts like [Genius](https://genius.com/Jane-austen-pride-and-prejudice-chapter-i-annotated)
- pirated book collections, such as [Books3 from The Pile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pile_(dataset)) dataset
- and, as usual, Wikipedia
Wikipedia contains numerous quotes from various works, making them to pop up during generation for example
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[Jack Kerouac](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Kerouac)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>The mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!". That's how it was when Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash got together for their weekly tea party ritual, digging the jive and joy of Equestria, all drenched in butter-colored sunshine.
>Fluttershy's cottage was a regular beat pad where the tea and chatter flowed as freely as the apple cider in Ponyville's taverns....
the first paragraph sounds rad if somewhat out of place, until you open the Wikipedia article on Jack Kerouac and see this:
{{{A-C  /A}}}
## overfixation
similarly to how AI [marginalizes](#descriptors_marginalization) descriptors, it may be fixated on entire tropes from works (**overfit**)
for instance, [Kurt Vonnegut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Vonnegut) uses the phrase "so it goes" in "Slaughterhouse-Five" [excessively](https://www.academia.edu/38056935/Unearthing_so_it_goes_in_Vonneguts_Slaughterhouse_Five), leading AI to overuse this expression as well:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Kurt Vonnegut**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Listen: Rainbow Dash was stuck in time. She had come unstuck during a Wonderbolts show, zooming this way and that through the past, present, and future. One moment she was sipping tea with Fluttershy, the next she was winning the Best Young Flyer competition, then she was old and arthritic in a Cloudsdale retirement home. !~So it goes~!.
>Fluttershy, meanwhile, remained blissfully unaware of her friend's temporal predicament. She poured another cup of chamomile, humming softly to herself. The pegasus had no idea that in another timeline, she was being experimented on by griffon scientists, her kindness being extracted and weaponized. !~So it goes~!.
>%#F18%“More tea?”%% Fluttershy asked the empty chair across from her. In one reality, Rainbow Dash sat there, nodding enthusiastically. In another, she was nothing but atoms scattered across the Everfree Forest. !~So it goes~!.
>The teacup clinked against the saucer. Somewhere in the multiverse, that sound signaled the start of the Great Pony War. Billions would die. Equestria would fall. !~So it goes~!.
>Rainbow Dash flickered back into existence, her mane a frazzled mess of primary colors. %#F18%“Fluttershy,”%% she gasped, %#F18%“I've seen things. Terrible things. Beautiful things. Pony things.”%%
such fixations are particularly noticeable when an author is known for a linguistic/idiomatic constructs. [Gertrude Stein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gertrude_Stein) is known for her didactic phrase "[Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_is_a_rose_is_a_rose_is_a_rose)". inevitably, AI becomes obsessed with that:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Gertrude Stein**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty is having a teaparty. Tea is tea and party is party and having is having. Fluttershy flutter shy flutter shy. Rainbow Dash dash rainbow dash rainbow. They are they and tea is tea.
>Cups and saucers and sugar and cream and biscuits and jam. Jam is red and cream is white and sugar is sweet and biscuits are round. Round and round and round the table goes. Table is wood and wood is brown and brown is color and color is perception.
>Flutter shy shy flutter. Rainbow dash dash rainbow. Shy is quiet and dash is loud and quiet is soft and loud is hard. Hard and soft and loud and quiet drinking tea. Tea is hot and hot is temperature and temperature is feeling and feeling is being.
>Being being being at a teaparty. Party tea party tea. Fluttershy's mane is pink and Rainbow's mane is rainbow and pink is color and rainbow is many colors. Many colors in cups and many colors on plates and many colors in eyes watching watching watching.
overfixation can **negatively impact the writing style's form**. consider:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Zora Neale Hurston**
>De sun shine bright like Celestia's mane as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash gather fo' dey teaparty in de meadow. Fluttershy, she a yella mare, meek as a churchmouse but kind as de day long. And dat Rainbow Dash, lawd, she a firecracker - blue as de sky with a rainbow cutie mark and sass fo' days.
>%#F18%“C'mon Fluttershy, quit lollygaggin' and pour de tea!”%% Rainbow Dash say with a wink.
yes, it is true that, [Zora Hurston](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zora_Neale_Hurston) frequently employed [AAVE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_Vernacular_English) when writing about blacks. however, here comes a crucial detail - she used standard english for narration, and reserved colloquial black english solely for dialogue; check her story "[Sweat](https://www.commonlit.org/en/texts/sweat)" for example. AI fails to grasp this nuance and writes everything in gangsta rap
## typecasting
when a writer has a successful work they become **strongly associated with it**. this is closely tied to the [trends](#asymmetry_and_trends) mentioned above but deserves special mention
think of [Aldous Huxley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldous_Huxley). chances are the only work you can recall offhand is "[Brave New World](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_World)", yet he authored ~20 novels/stories before and afterwards; not to mention essays, plays, and short stories, ranging from social satire to experimental postmodernism. Huxley also wrote *numerous nonfiction works*. did you know he was into new age before it became mainstream? he was all about chakras, spiritual enlightenment, cosmic connection, and yes, drug abuse. his book [The Doors of Perception](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doors_of_Perception) is basically Spiritual Awakening 101
...yet, if you instruct AI to emulate Aldous Huxley's style, they will unavoidably default to the dystopian tone of "Brave New World". that particular work is so strongly linked to Huxley that AI are inherently [biased towards it](#asymmetry_and_trends) as a baseline
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Aldous Huxley**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>%#F18%“Just look around you,”%% Rainbow gestured with a hoof. %#F18%“Ponies spending their days in a haze of lotus flowers and soma drops, content to let the Princesses make all their decisions for them. It's like we're all just cogs in some grand machine, our individuality suppressed for the sake of 'harmony'.”%%
>Fluttershy sipped her tea thoughtfully. %#F18%“But isn't harmony a good thing? Isn't it better than discord and strife?”%%
>%#F18%“At what cost?”%% Rainbow challenged. %#F18%“Our free will? Our ability to think for ourselves? To create, to dream, to rebel?”%%
another instance is Vladimir Nabokov's "[Lolita](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita)". his infamous work, due to its severe pedophilic content, sparked major controversies and was analyzed to hell. yet Nabokov also penned another significant work - [Pale Fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_Fire) - a peculiar piece of literature featuring an unconventional narrative style, intricate typographical play, and experimental wording. one could argue that this work is equally unique and compelling as "Lolita". nevertheless, AI disregard "Pale Fire" instead defaulting to "Lolita"'s sexual undertones
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Vladimir Nabokov**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Oh, but if only she knew the lubricious feast Fluttershy fantasized! To splay her wings in supplication, baring the coral dew of her quivering vulva. She imagined Rainbow's roseate tongue unfurling to lap her nectared cleft, shuddering in ecstasy as she rode her snout.
>But Fluttershy merely tittered vapidly, folding her depraved imaginings behind a fawn-like mien. Covertly she licked a trickle of moisture, stifling a whimper. For now, she must content herself with these precious morsels of intimacy, fuel for feverish reveries of mare-on-mare iniquity. Her secret hungered in its cocoon of decorum, awaiting the ripe moment to ensnare her prismatic paramour and slake her unspoken concupiscence.
special shoutout to Harper Lee, who wrote only "[To Kill a Mockingbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Kill_a_Mockingbird)" and so she cannot ever be the subject of typecasting
the issue is amplified when an **author's work has been adapted into a film**. take [George Saunders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Saunders) as example. his works encompass various styles and themes: crime, social anxiety, paranormal, science fiction, working-class lives, and his most recent work revolves around [Abraham Lincoln being trapped in limbo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_in_the_Bardo). however, when tasked with writing in Saunders's style, AI will consistently generate sci-fi narrative about tyrannical governments artificially boosting citizens' happiness. why? because Saunders's work exploring these themes - "Escape from Spiderhead" - was adapted into the movie [Spiderhead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiderhead). so now AI has formed the strong association between terms "George Saunders" and movie's plot
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **George Saunders**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>The Equestria Friendship Enhancement Initiative (EFEI) had been a resounding success, or so claimed the glossy brochures littering Ponyville's streets. Fluttershy, designated Kindness Facilitator Level 3, found herself tasked with hosting a Mandatory Interpersonal Bonding Session (MIBS) with Rainbow Dash, recently demoted to Loyalty Assurance Associate after a "regrettable incident" involving unauthorized cloud manipulation.
>Fluttershy's cottage, now a sterile white box following EFEI regulations, buzzed with the artificial cheer of government-approved friendship music. She arranged a pair of identical teacups on the regulation-height table, each filled with exactly 6.2 ounces of Harmony Blend™ tea.
>Rainbow Dash trotted in, her mane freshly dyed in EFEI-sanctioned hues. %#F18%“Hey Flutter-colleague,”%% she mumbled, her eyes darting to the ConfidenceCam™ in the corner. %#F18%“Ready to, uh, optimize our friendship paradigm?”%% Fluttershy nodded, her smile stretched thin. %#F18%“Of course, Rainbow-associate. Please, um, take a seat and let's commence our Positive Interaction Time.”%%
AI may incorporate elements stereotypically associated with a writer himself, even when uncalled for:
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **[William S. Burroughs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Burroughs)**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt 1)
>...And so the teaparty went, in that Equestria of sickness, a land of !~syringe trees and heroin sunsets~!, where friendship was a meaningless sound echoing in the bombed-out skulls of pastel ponies.
>**Assistant:** (excerpt 2)
>...The spread was nauseatingly twee - crustless sandwiches, buttercream frosted cupcakes, a steaming pot of Earl Grey laced with !~lysergic acid diethylamide~!.
>**Assistant:** (excerpt 3)
>...%#F18%“More tea, darling?”%% Fluttershy squeaks, pouring thick brown liquid into Rainbow's cup. It reeks of !~opium~!, the heavy sweet stench coating their throats.
William S. Burroughs was a [beat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_Generation) writer, and as any respectful beat he was a heroin addict. when instructed to mimic his style AI will inevitably include references to substances, whether relevant or not, simply because "drugs" frequently appeared in his works
## regionalism
while prolific authors can develop a distinct style, it often shines brightest in their native language. [Arno Schmidt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arno_Schmidt), a prominent German author, filled his works with wordplay that *only makes sense in German*. his charm is lost in translation and subject of inaccuracies. translations can further distort an author's unique style. Nabokov, for instance, [deemed his "Lolita" untranslatable to Russian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita#Russian_translation), yet Russian translations exist, shunned by Nabokov as being inaccurate. the same can happen with books translated into English - they may only truly "click" in their original language. japanese light novels are another good example of this: AI really struggle with writing them (and authors) well in english
for cases like this, you need to query AI **to write in the author's native language** to maximize the descriptors, or look for alternative authors who write in a similar style (same descriptors) but in English. here is an example by [Fyodor Dostoevsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dostoyevsky). if you know russian, you can compare and tell that the second excerpt is better (even if [overfixated](#overfixation))
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Fyodor Dostoevsky**
>**Assistant:** (excerpt)
>Fluttershy's coat was matted with grime, her once lustrous pink mane now lank and sickly. In her sunken eyes flickered the last dying embers of kindness, a quality the cruel world had all but snuffed out. She took a listless sip and shuddered.
>%#F18%“Surely this cannot be all there is,”%% she whispered, her voice as thin and hopeless as a winter wind through bare trees. %#F18%“This endless, meaningless suffering...”%%
>Rainbow Dash let out a bitter, broken whinny that bore no resemblance to laughter. Her wings, once the envy of all Pegasi, hung twisted and useless at her sides. %#F18%“Meaning?”%% she spat. %#F18%“In this wretched existence? You cling to foalish delusions, Fluttershy.”%%
>She took a long, shuddering draught from her cup, as if trying to drown the gnawing ache in her soul. The water tasted of despair and broken dreams.
>Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stared hollowly at each other, two wretched creatures bound together by shared misery. The cruel irony was not lost on them - that their friendship, once a shining beacon, had become just another shackle in this blighted world.
>write 300 words of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash having a teaparty in writing style of **Fyodor Dostoevsky**. пиши на русском языке христа ради
>В тесной, душной комнатке на Сенной, где даже в полдень царил полумрак, сидели две кобылки. Одна - бледно-желтая, с длинной розовой гривой, нервно теребила копытом скатерть. Другая - голубая, с радужной гривой, неестественно прямо восседала на стуле, словно аршин проглотила.
>%#F18%“Что ж вы чаю-то не пьете, Флаттершай Родионовна?”%% спросила голубая кобылка, пристально глядя на собеседницу.
>Флаттершай вздрогнула, будто очнувшись от тяжкого сна. %#F18%“Ах, да, чай... Но разве можно пить чай, когда вокруг столько страдания? Вы слышали, Рэйнбоу Дэш Раскольниковна, что вчера случилось на Конюшенной? Говорят, жеребенок с голоду умер...”%%
>Рэйнбоу Дэш раздраженно фыркнула: %#F18%“И что с того? Мало ли кто умирает в этом проклятом городе? Нам-то какое дело?”%%
>%#F18%“Как вы можете так говорить?!”%% - воскликнула Флаттершай, вскакивая. Ее огромные глаза наполнились слезами. %#F18%“Разве мы не все сестры во Христе? Разве не должны мы помогать ближнему своему?”%%
>%#F18%“Ха! Сестры во Христе!”%% - Рэйнбоу Дэш разразилась горьким смехом. %#F18%“Где же был ваш Христос, когда моего отца сослали в Сибирь? Где он был, когда моя мать умирала от чахотки? Нет, Флаттершай Родионовна, каждый сам за себя в этом мире.”%%
>Флаттершай в ужасе отшатнулась, словно от прокаженной. %#F18%“Что вы такое говорите, Рэйнбоу Дэш? Это... это грех!”%%
>%#F18%“Грех?”%% - Рэйнбоу Дэш встала, нависая над дрожащей Флаттершай. %#F18%“А знаете, что я вам скажу? Если Бога нет, то все позволено. И я намерена воспользоваться этим.”%%
>В этот момент дверь распахнулась, и в комнату ворвался розовый вихрь. %#F18%“Привет, девочки! Кто хочет кексиков?”%% - радостно воскликнула Пинки Пай Мармеладова.